Saad Jadir
"In my own little way, I researched and obtained a Masters degree at the University of London, the title of the thesis was "Is France Anti-Semitic or was it influenced by Germany during the occupation in the 1940s?". I have also been doing research for a PhD degree, the subject is "The role of Jewish women in the resistance movement during the German occupation of France in the 1940s"."
My Testimonial for Tree 49
„I am proud to be associated with you and Alpine Peace Crossing. My research resulted in discovering the extent of injustice and the guilt of the world for staying silent at the atrocities committed then. Sadly, the world is still silent on atrocities. You only have to look at the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims being persecuted by the Myanmar regime and the world stands silent watching children die of disease and starvation.“ Saad Jadir
Letter to Saad Jadir
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