Matthias Naske
Matthias Naske, born on May 29th, 1963 Vienna, cultural manager. Naske first studied law, but did not finish his studies, but turned to the cultural business and worked in the General Secretariat of Jeunesses Musicales Austria. In 1988 he became director of the artistic office of the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra under Claudio Abbado. This function he exercised until 1991. In addition, Naske was General Secretary of the Fritz Kreisler Gesellschaft Wien and led the Webern Ensemble project as part of Wien Modern From 1991 to 1996, his career led him to Salzburg, where he served as Secretary General of the Camerata Academica, under the artistic direction of Sandor Vegh After that, he returned to the Jeunesse Musicale as Secretary General and served as Director General of the General Salle de Concerts Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte from 2003 to 2013. In this role, the organization and organizational and artistic direction of the Philharmonie Luxembourg took over on 1 July 2013. Naske took over the management of the Vienna Konzerthaus.
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