Geshe Tenzin Dargye
Lama Gesche Tenzin Dhargye is director and main teacher at Tibet Center Austria. Together with S.H. In 2005, he founded the Tibet Center in Hüttenberg for the Dalai Lama, which has one-time educational offerings in Buddhist philosophy, psychology, Tibetan medicine and so on. Beginning of study and spiritual education in South India at the age of nine. At 27, he received the title Geshe Lharampa; this corresponds approximately to a doctorate in Tibetan Buddhist studies. In 1997, the Dalai Lama personally appointed him a Buddhist spiritual teacher. Extensive teaching in Asia, Europe and America, for example as a visiting lecturer at the University of Virginia (UVA). In 2003 Gesche Tenzin Dhargye founded the Buddhist Center "Thekchen Dho-ngag Choeling (TDC)" in Salzburg (today in Vienna). In 2005, he settled in Hüttenberg at the request of His Holiness. In 2008, the Tibet Center Austria was officially opened.
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