Franz Lackner
Franz Lackner is the 91st Bishop of Salzburg, the 90th successor of St. Rupertus and the 79th Archbishop. He was born on July 7th, 1956 in Feldbach. After compulsory school he began an apprenticeship as an electrician. From 1978 to 1979 he served as UN soldier in Cyprus. In 1979 he entered the secondary grammar school Horn, 1984 the Franciscan Order. In 1991 he was ordained a priest. On January 12, 2014, archbishop emeritus Alois Kothgasser handed over the shepherd's staff to his successor, Archbishop Franz Lackner, at the inauguration ceremony in Salzburg Cathedral. Current tasks in the Episcopal Conference: Member of the Faith Commission and the Finance Commission. Papers: Liturgy; Theological faculties and colleges.
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