Tree 3
Marko Feingold
Born on May 28th, 1913 in Neusohl (Banska Bistriza), at that time of the K.K. Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, now Slovakia, as the third child of a railway construction assistant. He passed the merchant assistant exam in Vienna and worked as a commercial employee. 1938 - after the 'Anschluss' - he was briefly imprisoned in Vienna, had to leave Austria and went to Czechoslovakia. Arrested in Prague on May 6th, 1939. Transferred to the Auschwitz concentration camp after one year of imprisonment, then to the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg, followed by - with a body weight of 35 kilograms - the death transport to Dachau. In July 1941 transfer to the Buchenwald concentration camp. On April 11th, 1945, Buchenwald Concentration Camp was freed by the Americans. A few days after his arrival in Salzburg Feingold took over the management of a boarding house for the politically persecuted. Until 1948 he devoted himself to the problems of refugees, the reintegration of returned political persecutees and organized the emigration of thousands of refugees - also over the Krimmler Tauern. In 1948 he founded a fashionshop in Salzburg. In 1977 Feingold retired. Since then he has headed the Jewish Community of Salzburg, holding countless lectures as a witness to the times.
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All Trees
- Tree 1: Asher Ben Natan
- Tree 2: Aba Gefen
- Tree 3: Marko Feingold
- Tree 4: Bella (Bilha) & Moshe Talit
- Tree 5: Liesl Geisler-Scharfetter
- Tree 6: Viktor Knopf
- Tree 7: Paul Rieder
- Tree 8: Michel Pébereau
- Tree 9: Hans Lerch
- Tree 10: Alois Steger
- Tree 11: Peter Huemer
- Tree 12: Yaffa Levy
- Tree 13: Yakoov Schwartz & Ahuva Shamir
- Tree 14: Lili Segal
- Tree 15: Moshe Frumin
- Tree 16: Avraham Weiss
- Tree 17: Margarita Fried-Weinberg
- Tree 18: Nataniel Brener
- Tree 19: Itzhak Drach
- Tree 20: Zwi Katz
- Tree 21: Tova Zehavi
- Tree 22: Hans Dieter Nerbl
- Tree 23: Michael Kerbler
- Tree 24: Julian Holleis
- Tree 25: Peter de Bruin
- Tree 26: Regine Kappeler
- Tree 27: Manfred Schwab & Donatella Magliani
- Tree 28: Wilfried Rohm
- Tree 29: Guy Shachar
- Tree 30: Bettina Reiter
- Tree 31: Rainer Prohaska & Norbert Wallner
- Tree 32: Judith Forthuber & Willi Svoboda
- Tree 33: Alice & Wickham Skinner
- Tree 34: APC Presidents Tree
- Tree 35: Ambassadors Tree
- Tree 36: Bricha- and Israel/APC Tree
- Tree 37: Tree of Survivors (Givat Avoda)
- Tree 38: Tree of Mayors
- Tree 39: Tree of Human Rights
- Tree 40: Tree of Science
- Tree 41: Tree of Arts and Culture
- Tree 42: Tree of Religions
- Tree 43: Tree of Media, Film & Communication
- Tree 44: Tree of Sports
- Tree 45: CSR- Tree
- Tree 46: Tree of Politics
- Tree 47: Tree of NGOs
- Tree 48: Tree of Refugees
- Tree 49: APC-Tree