Tree 47
Tree of NGOs
Much of what Alpine Peace Crossing has initiated would not have been possible without partner organizations and their representatives: the Petition for a Human Asylum Policy (2013), the offering of deposit guarantees for refugees (2017ff), therapies for traumatized refugees or the support of their education.
Honored Persons (please klick for bios)
- Alexander Pollak
- Andrea Eraslan-Weninger
- Andrea Holz-Dahrenstädt
- Anita Sackl
- Annelyse Forst
- Anny Knapp
- Bernhard Spiegel
- Cecilia Heiß
- Christian Penz
- Christine Enzinger
- Christoph Riedl
- Claire Schocher-Döring
- David Zistl
- Erich Fenninger
- Eva Kern
- Floridus Kaiser
- Friedrun Huemer
- Karin Abram
- Lisa Jama
- Manuela Ertl
- Mario Thaler
- Mary Kreutzer
- Matthias Schickhofer
- Peter Schwarz
- Raoul Kopacka
- Sibylle Summer
- Sonja Siegert
- Susanne Erian
- Susanne Schaidinger
- Sylvia Hobiger
- Thomas Randisek
- Ursula Liebing
Write a letter
You would like to write a letter to one of the honored persons or to the tree? Just write an email to office@alpinepeacecrossing.org!
All Trees
- Tree 1: Asher Ben Natan
- Tree 2: Aba Gefen
- Tree 3: Marko Feingold
- Tree 4: Bella (Bilha) & Moshe Talit
- Tree 5: Liesl Geisler-Scharfetter
- Tree 6: Viktor Knopf
- Tree 7: Paul Rieder
- Tree 8: Michel Pébereau
- Tree 9: Hans Lerch
- Tree 10: Alois Steger
- Tree 11: Peter Huemer
- Tree 12: Yaffa Levy
- Tree 13: Yakoov Schwartz & Ahuva Shamir
- Tree 14: Lili Segal
- Tree 15: Moshe Frumin
- Tree 16: Avraham Weiss
- Tree 17: Margarita Fried-Weinberg
- Tree 18: Nataniel Brener
- Tree 19: Itzhak Drach
- Tree 20: Zwi Katz
- Tree 21: Tova Zehavi
- Tree 22: Hans Dieter Nerbl
- Tree 23: Michael Kerbler
- Tree 24: Julian Holleis
- Tree 25: Peter de Bruin
- Tree 26: Regine Kappeler
- Tree 27: Manfred Schwab & Donatella Magliani
- Tree 28: Wilfried Rohm
- Tree 29: Guy Shachar
- Tree 30: Bettina Reiter
- Tree 31: Rainer Prohaska & Norbert Wallner
- Tree 32: Judith Forthuber & Willi Svoboda
- Tree 33: Alice & Wickham Skinner
- Tree 34: APC Presidents Tree
- Tree 35: Ambassadors Tree
- Tree 36: Bricha- and Israel/APC Tree
- Tree 37: Tree of Survivors (Givat Avoda)
- Tree 38: Tree of Mayors
- Tree 39: Tree of Human Rights
- Tree 40: Tree of Science
- Tree 41: Tree of Arts and Culture
- Tree 42: Tree of Religions
- Tree 43: Tree of Media, Film & Communication
- Tree 44: Tree of Sports
- Tree 45: CSR- Tree
- Tree 46: Tree of Politics
- Tree 47: Tree of NGOs
- Tree 48: Tree of Refugees
- Tree 49: APC-Tree