Tree 37
Tree of Survivors (Givat Avoda)
On this tree we call survivors of Givat Avoda and the flight over the Krimml Tauern in 1947, as well as members of their families. Dvora Levin wrote down, what she could find out about her family. Find "The Story of Dvora's Family" in "Dokuments" in the footer of this page.
Honored Persons (please klick for bios)
- Abraham Gruenberg
- Adi Eldar
- Adva Tzelniker
- Ahuva (NN)
- Alec Ostrowitz
- Amos Zehavi
- Ariela Tzelniker
- Asaf Yogev
- Assav Madmoni
- Atar Shoshani
- Avishay Rav
- Avraham Levanon
- Avraham Westreich
- Dan Hart
- Daniel Zehavi
- Danny Gildin
- David Yogev
- Dov Weinmann
- Dvora Levin
- Edna Yogev
- Einat Sagie
- Elahan (NN)
- Elizier Meisselles
- Ester Raviv-Zimbelmann
- Esther Kaminski
- Esti Adler
- Esti Ravi
- Gal Talit
- Geva Gildin
- Gil Shwartz
- Gilad Zehavi
- Hadar Be'eri
- Hagit Rav
- Haim Upchimny-Yeshrun
- Hanna Weiss
- Haya Harel
- Inbal Gildin
- Ishay Tzelniker
- Israel Mendelsohn
- Israel Sagie
- Ita Hungar
- Itamar Gilad
- Itzhak Noy
- Itzhak Sagie
- Jeni Harel
- Jocheset Flumenker
- Josef Baron
- Lea Ungar
- Leah Bahat
- Leon Zimbelmann
- Lihi Eldar
- Lisa Talit
- Malka Pugatzky
- Margalit Yeshrun
- Melville Marks
- Menachem Vasner
- Metuka Hefland
- Michal Givon-Kalman
- Michal Levanon
- Miri Hirshberg
- Miriam Ganot
- Mordechai Eisen
- Moshe (Mundek) Hacker
- Moshe Hirshberg
- Moshe Moskovich
- Moti Rosen
- Neta Be'eri
- Neta Gebert
- Nir Yogev
- Nitzan Tzelniker
- Noam Gilad
- Omri Givon
- Ora Shwartz
- Ora Spangenthal
- Ori Gilad
- Orna Gilad
- Perani Moise
- Ra'anan Be'eri
- Rachel Fischer
- Rakefet Kanonich
- Regina Goldstein
- Rivka Bronstein
- Ruth Ostrowitz
- Sahar (NN)
- Sala Zimbelmann
- Sandor Ungar
- Sara Moskovich
- Sara Rav
- Sara Yoel
- Shaked Gur
- Shila Gur
- Shira Givon
- Shlomi Zehavi
- Shmuel Ungar
- Shoahan Tzelniker
- Shraga Ben-Zwi
- Snir Tzelniker
- Stav Tzelniker
- Tal Eldar
- Tali Zehavi
- Talia Gur
- Tavor Gildin
- Tom Zahri
- Tomer Yogev
- Tova Kalman
- Tova Kalman
- Tova Sagie
- Tzur Gilad
- Uri Givon
- Uzi Talit
- Yael Zehavi
- Yehuda Gai
- Yoav Rav
- Yoav Steinberg
- Yogev Tzelniker
- Zeev Hefland
- Zehava Zarchi
- Zivka Kanonich
- Zwi Goldberg
- Zwi Kruk
Write a letter
You would like to write a letter to one of the honored persons or to the tree? Just write an email to office@alpinepeacecrossing.org!
All Trees
- Tree 1: Asher Ben Natan
- Tree 2: Aba Gefen
- Tree 3: Marko Feingold
- Tree 4: Bella (Bilha) & Moshe Talit
- Tree 5: Liesl Geisler-Scharfetter
- Tree 6: Viktor Knopf
- Tree 7: Paul Rieder
- Tree 8: Michel Pébereau
- Tree 9: Hans Lerch
- Tree 10: Alois Steger
- Tree 11: Peter Huemer
- Tree 12: Yaffa Levy
- Tree 13: Yakoov Schwartz & Ahuva Shamir
- Tree 14: Lili Segal
- Tree 15: Moshe Frumin
- Tree 16: Avraham Weiss
- Tree 17: Margarita Fried-Weinberg
- Tree 18: Nataniel Brener
- Tree 19: Itzhak Drach
- Tree 20: Zwi Katz
- Tree 21: Tova Zehavi
- Tree 22: Hans Dieter Nerbl
- Tree 23: Michael Kerbler
- Tree 24: Julian Holleis
- Tree 25: Peter de Bruin
- Tree 26: Regine Kappeler
- Tree 27: Manfred Schwab & Donatella Magliani
- Tree 28: Wilfried Rohm
- Tree 29: Guy Shachar
- Tree 30: Bettina Reiter
- Tree 31: Rainer Prohaska & Norbert Wallner
- Tree 32: Judith Forthuber & Willi Svoboda
- Tree 33: Alice & Wickham Skinner
- Tree 34: APC Presidents Tree
- Tree 35: Ambassadors Tree
- Tree 36: Bricha- and Israel/APC Tree
- Tree 37: Tree of Survivors (Givat Avoda)
- Tree 38: Tree of Mayors
- Tree 39: Tree of Human Rights
- Tree 40: Tree of Science
- Tree 41: Tree of Arts and Culture
- Tree 42: Tree of Religions
- Tree 43: Tree of Media, Film & Communication
- Tree 44: Tree of Sports
- Tree 45: CSR- Tree
- Tree 46: Tree of Politics
- Tree 47: Tree of NGOs
- Tree 48: Tree of Refugees
- Tree 49: APC-Tree